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E Team

St Keyna Primary School E-Team (Equality Team) consists of representatives from across the school. We work to try to make sure that everyone in school is treated equally and respectfully.  

Our school is a Stonewall School Champion and was the second primary school in the country to achieve the Stonewall Gold Award.

Through the curriculum, pupils learn the importance of treating people fairly, regardless of their backgrounds or differences. The equalities team, made up of pupils and staff, plans events throughout the year to inspire the school community to embrace diversity. Pupils are well prepared for living in the wider world. OFSTED 2021

Free2BeMe Week 

We had a very creative time, celebrating our Free2BeMe week with the children across the school exploring, amongst other things: dreams and aspirations, hate speech, celebrating our differences and being confident to be ourselves. 

st keyna ammonite.jpg
Monmouth Road
BS31 2JP
0117 9863852

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