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Our Skills Curriculum

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OFSTED 2021 -Leaders and staff share the same high expectations for pupils’ academic and personal success. They are skilled at providing pupils with the right type of support to ensure that they learn well. Parents and carers are fully supportive of the school’s work. Many commented positively on the care and individual support pupils receive from staff.

Our Curriculum

Curriculum Rationale

The rationale of our curriculum is primarily to promote children’s learning and development through a broad and balanced, imaginative curriculum. It includes the requirements of the National Curriculum and a whole-school imaginative approach to learning, as well as the additional extra-curricular activities organised to enrich our children’s learning experience.


Our aim is for children to grow into positive, ambitious, responsible citizens. We have high expectations and believe that they should be given every opportunity to achieve their own personal potential. Our curriculum has key values such as respect, inclusion and equality and we aim for every child to thrive as an individual. We are a Thrive school and seek to support and develop children's emotional and social development and to support their mental health. Click here to read more about our Thrive and nurture.

Curriculum Intent

We aim to develop a curriculum that is broad, balanced and based on a logical, progressive acquisition of skills and knowledge, which equips children for the next stage of their education and promotes a love of learning. Our curriculum is underpinned by our ethos and values detailed within the six sections of The St Keyna Standard and the needs of our local area. The acquisition of vocabulary is vital and we strive to ensure that all of the children have tailored access to the knowledge and skills they need to succeed. The St Keyna Curriculum also provides numerous, planned opportunities for children to recall and deepen prior learning, enabling knowledge stored in the long term memory to become increasingly complex. The school plans a thematic approach to learning to stimulate the children.

For individual subject summaries of intent and implementation please click here.

Reading at St Keyna

At St Keyna, our resolve is to teach reading effectively and encourage a life-long love of reading. This skill underpins our curriculum and allows children access to learning at all stages of their lives, as well as equipping them with an enjoyable activity that provides relaxation and pleasure. Here is a summary of our reading programme. For more information about how the Read Write Inc programme works and how to teach your child phonics please click here.
Leaders have worked with determination to develop a positive reading culture across the whole school from Nursery through to Year 6. Older pupils talk enthusiastically about their love of reading, both in school and at home. Teachers encourage them to read widely and often. Pupils enjoy sharing book recommendations and taking part in the school’s reading challenge programme.

Our Skills Curriculum

We believe that to succeed in learning and in life a certain set of skills are required. We have encapsulated these into a set of animal characteristics and endeavour to build them into everything we do.
Curriculum content for each subject by year group 
Reception         English            Maths             Other Subjects
Year 1                English            Maths             Other Subjects
Year 2                English            Maths             Other Subjects
Year 3                English            Maths             Other Subjects
Year 4                English            Maths             Other Subjects
Year 5                English            Maths             Other Subjects
Year 6                English            Maths             Other Subjects
                                    Math's Calculation policy

Please note this content is still in completion.

British Values at St Keyna

At St Keyna, British values link to our Ammonite code. We include everyone as discrimination is not right!” Ella, Y6
British values are about being respectful, thoughtful and not about judging people.” Grace Y6
The DFE have stipulated the need to: “Create and enforce a clear and rigorous expectation on all schools to promote the fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect of those with different faiths and beliefs.”
At St. Keyna, we take this responsibility very seriously and believe it is an inherent part of our duty to prepare our pupils for life in modern Britain. As such, these beliefs are encompassed within our school values, which include a strong focus on respect and being a positive citizen. For a more detailed explanation of how we promote British values click here.
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BS31 2JP
0117 9863852

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