Our Skills Curriculum
OFSTED 2021 -Leaders and staff share the same high expectations for pupils’ academic and personal success. They are skilled at providing pupils with the right type of support to ensure that they learn well. Parents and carers are fully supportive of the school’s work. Many commented positively on the care and individual support pupils receive from staff.
Our Curriculum
Curriculum Rationale
The rationale of our curriculum is primarily to promote children’s learning and development through a broad and balanced, imaginative curriculum. It includes the requirements of the National Curriculum and a whole-school imaginative approach to learning, as well as the additional extra-curricular activities organised to enrich our children’s learning experience.
Our aim is for children to grow into positive, ambitious, responsible citizens. We have high expectations and believe that they should be given every opportunity to achieve their own personal potential. Our curriculum has key values such as respect, inclusion and equality and we aim for every child to thrive as an individual. We are a Thrive school and seek to support and develop children's emotional and social development and to support their mental health. Click here to read more about our Thrive and nurture.
Curriculum Intent
We aim to develop a curriculum that is broad, balanced and based on a logical, progressive acquisition of skills and knowledge, which equips children for the next stage of their education and promotes a love of learning. Our curriculum is underpinned by our ethos and values detailed within the six sections of The St Keyna Standard and the needs of our local area. The acquisition of vocabulary is vital and we strive to ensure that all of the children have tailored access to the knowledge and skills they need to succeed. The St Keyna Curriculum also provides numerous, planned opportunities for children to recall and deepen prior learning, enabling knowledge stored in the long term memory to become increasingly complex. The school plans a thematic approach to learning to stimulate the children.